Thank You !!

The AMTA 2021 host committee would like to thank all of those who participated both in person and virtually as we continue our race back to normalcy. A successful event is only possible with the participation and sponsorships provided by our exhibitors. It is important that each Company be recognized for their contributions.

This year’s Student day program was an unmitigated success and we failed to recognize two of the companies that contributed to this success. Bronze level sponsor Denmar Technical Services and sponsor Resonant Sciences. We thank you for your contributions to AMTA as a whole and specifically for your support of the 2021 Student Day.

The​ ​Antenna​ ​Measurement​ ​Techniques​ ​Association​ ​(AMTA)​ ​is​ ​a ​​non-profit,​ ​international​ ​organization dedicated​ ​to​ the​ ​development​ ​and​ ​dissemination​ ​of​ ​theory,​ ​best​ ​practices​ ​and​ ​applications​ ​of​ ​antenna, radar​ ​signature​ ​and​ ​other​ ​electromagnetic​ ​measurement​ ​technologies.​ ​

STAR Dynamics is proud to host the 43rd Annual Meeting and Symposium of the Antenna Measurement Techniques Association (AMTA) at the world-famous Daytona Beach, Florida, USA from October 24-29, 2021. STAR Dynamics and co-hosts, Applied Research Associates and Florida International University, cordially invite you to attend and participate in this annual event.


Symposium Benefits

  • High-quality technical papers presented on a continuous basis over four days
  • Boot camp courses to get (back to) the basics
  • Exhibits showcasing antenna and measurement related products and services
  • The latest innovations in antenna and RCS measurements
  • Well-known leading companies related to antenna measurements products and services
  • Networking opportunities with industry experts
  • A technical tour highlighting techniques related to the industry
  • Unique social events in and around Daytona Beach
  • Daytime companion tours to local area highlights

Conference Host

Conference Co-Hosts

Platinum Sponsors

Gold Sponsors

Silver Sponsors

Bronze Sponsors

Media Partners

Technical Co-Sponsors